Challenger League
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Challenger League

Published by Robin Speight
Feb 20, 2025

The Challenger Division(Bambino Buddy Ball) was established by Babe Ruth for organizations who wish to charter a league that encompasses players ages 5-adult who are either physically and/or mentally challenged. This division makes allowance for a “buddy” to help the player swing a bat, round the bases, catch a ball, etc. There are no restrictions to the age of the “buddy”. A Bambino Buddy-Ball team may be comprised of players ages 5-adult and sometimes older. The Bambino Buddy-Ball division is designed so that everyone has the opportunity to have fun. 

Please email Brian Wood  at or Jeff Schnelle at for additional information.  Please visit their website

The Special Rules of the Challenger Division

  • All Children ages 5 through 18, or who remain in school, with physical or mental disabilities are encouraged to participate. Level of play based upon players size, age and skill level are recommended where numbers allow.
  • Teams can include as many as 15 to 20 players. Players can participate in one of three levels: Tee Ball, Coach-Pitch, Player-Pitch.
  • Each player in Tee Ball and Coach-Pitch may use the "Buddy" system, however, it is not mandatory. "Buddies" can also assist the Player-Pitch participants.
  • Every player on the roster is in the batting order and shall play defensively for the entire game.
  • No team is scheduled to play more than one game in one day. The side is retired when the offense has batted through the roster, or when three outs are recorded.
  • Babe Ruth recommends that no score be kept during games.
  • Challenger Division players wear the same uniforms, shoulder patches, and safety equipment as other Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken Players


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